Friday, April 13, 2007

It's growing!

The gussets are done! I now remember why I never cared for the whole heel-flap concept. It just seemed to take FOREVER to get done, but, well, I guess it accounts for almost half of the total sock at this point. Now I get to knit in the round with the pattern on top until I get to my toe decreases. Yay!

And the other side of the sock... note the intense striping at the gusset and heel sections. I wasn't sure about it when knitting it, but it turned out just fine, and is sorting itself out now.

See how lovely the sock loooks on my foot? It fits quite comfortably, and I'm sure will be even more comfy once there aren't toothpicks stuck through it.

And here we see the heel. The bit o' rainbow gradient is just beautiful. It makes me want to sit and look at the bottom of my foot. It will almost be a shame to walk on. Almost.
After this sock, I've decided I do NOT like doing heel flaps. They'd be okay on a solid color, but it just is bizarre with a handpaint AND a patterned top to the sock. I'm not one for harsh lines. However, this is a lounging sock, so I was aiming for comfort. And even with toothpicks stuck through them they are already quite comfy. Yay!
And when I'm done with the pair, I shall send a bunch o' the leftover yarn back to Artsygal so she can try to replicate the color. But my Wild Berry Knittles will still be the original. Heh.

1 comment:

knitphomaniac said...

I envy you ~ I've never managed to master the sock ~ it's those darn heels that I can't seem to knit!